asian corn borer中文什么意思

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  1. The results of evaluating of the resistance to asian corn borers showed some bt transgenic maize lines showed good insect - resistance
  2. The results of insect assay with asian corn borer showed that transgenic tobacco plants carrying crylac and crylle showed insecticidal activity against corn borer
  3. In this paper , the resistance of sweet corn varieties to asian corn borer ( acb ) ( ostrinia nubilalis ) were evaluated by means of host experimental population life table and natural population life table ; the order of their resistibility is as follows : s2 > y3 > h1 > y1 > c20
    摘要利用亚洲玉米螟实验种群生命表和自然种群生命表方法评价甜玉米品种对亚洲玉米螟的抗虫性,结果得出亚洲玉米螟对不同甜玉米品种的抗性大小依次为:穗甜2号>奥甜2号>华1 >奥甜1号>超甜20 。


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